Thursday, June 30, 2011

WoW Girls Gone Wild....but there is a point to it.

I've brought it up before on the psychology of male and female interaction within the MMO community. This had to do with sexism in the WoW community and how it can be umm chaotic in nature. Let's face it, by and large mmo's were designed with young males as the primary demographic. Hot plate armor (you know like plate armor bikini's that mitigate more damage than an M1A1 Abram's tank), bouncy umm peices parts and cutes looks. Bu guys, what if the tables were turned. So, check out this link on If Women ruled WoW .

 First and foremost it was hilarious. But on an interesting note, everything that was dramatized here, I've seen happen time and time again only the guys were the perpatrators of poor, patronizing attitudes. Either women are met with straight up offers of umm relations, or they were thrown all kinds of goodies based solely on their gender, or they were looked at with outright derision. What if the tables were turned? Based upon a lot of the thin skins I've seen throughout my gaming time, I doubt males could even handle being treated this way without totally nerd raging out.

My point here is bottom line, sexism still exists on many servers. Like, well, females are ok at dps or good at healing but god forbid if we let them tank...that sort of thing. Now, I'm not saying this happens all the time. I know several very competent female raiders of every class that would put most guys to shame. Time to face it, the nerd mancave of the mmo is now being equalized with a more and more game savvy female population. It behooves the gamer population to step back a little and respect the player, not the gender. Anyways, the idea here was supposed to be humorous, but it brings up some interesting points.

Have a fun day in Azeroth folks, hope most are enjoying the new 4.2 series, I know I am, though getting those damned tokens to get into the Firelands has been kinda a pain in the ass lol.


  1. LOVED this!!! And the utube was very funny. Now I'm just wondering when us girls get some eye candy in WoW. :D

  2. @ Laura ~ Funny you should say this, Funcom put out for their latest marketing for Age of Conan a pleasure priestess to add to the danging girl XD...biggest gripe so far on the blogs and forums is why can't their be eye candy boy toys for the girls and or gay men as well...

  3. I think us girl gamers should begin a movement!!
